
Erik Nelson

Prospective Software Engineer

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About Me

I am currently an undergraduate student at Grinnell College, majoring in Computer Science and Political Science. My main interests currently revolve around Data Science, so I am interested in opportunities and experiences related to that field. Additionally, I am interested in software development and software engineering.


Wells Fargo

Technology Internship

Will start in one month.

Grinnell College

Computer Science Researcher

  • Programmed a model of potential COVID-19 infection spread within a small liberal arts college using Python, in collaboration with another student.
  • Extended COVID-19 model to analyze how the dominant COVID-19 strain and vaccination rates of both students and faculty can affect infection spread.
  • Presented results at Midstates Consortium for Math and Science
  • Asked to continue research on COVID-19 model during the Spring 2022 semester


Grinnell College

Aug 2019 - Present

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Political Science


CSC 324 Individual Project

Completed during the Spring 2022 semester at Grinnell College, this project is an R Shiny visualization of the finances of US School Districts from 1993 to 2016.

Some basic questions that this visualization answers are: What school districts spend the most on education per enrollment? What school districts have increased the most in total expenditures from 1993 to 2016? How do states compare in money spent on education per enrollment?

Tags: R, Shiny, Visualization, School Districts, Maps, Interactive Data

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CSC 324 Group Project

Completed during the Spring 2022 semester at Grinnell College, this project is an R Shiny visualization made to assist statistics learning of the Multiple Comparison Problem. We worked in Agile development to complete this project. I was tasked with figuring out and implementing the visualizations of the two games on the app.

Some basic questions that this visualization answers are: How do win probability and sample size affect outcomes? How do win probability and sample size affect the likelihood of at least one significant outcome?

Tags: R, Shiny, Visualization, Statistics, Learning, Pedagogy, Multiple Comparison

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